On Saturday, June 18 2011 we celebrated J&A's wedding banquet at the Fortune House Seafood Restaurant located at Metrotown in Burnaby (2199A-4700 Kingsway). This being my first time going to this restaurant for any type of meal I did not know what to expect. My wife having visited this establishment before had some preconceptions but kept them to herself as it was a number of years ago. My ratings are in black, hers are in red.
If you were to visit the mall on a weekend, you would be hard pressed to miss the long lineup of people queued out the door and as such I was quite excited to give it a go. Upon entering it is a decent sized restaurant with space for about 25 tables, with a fair bit of space to move around. On closer inspection our first observation was dirty cutlery/dishes/glasses, for first impressions this is a definite no-no as smudges of leftover food, lipstick and what not make you go eww !
Anyhow, after getting that resolved we were onto dinner. Menu attached below, notice all the staples of the traditional Chinese banquet are included. The order on the menu is not always the same as the order the food shows up but that is not unexpected either.